Thank you for sharing your transformations ❤️ you look light and happy and renewed in the pic here. I’m so looking forward to this level 😊.

For a long long time in my life I lived the mother archetype then the midwife and the healer archetypes. I am an elder now dancing through all the crone/wise woman archetypes. I am the maven.

I was happy when I was each of those. Until I wasn’t. Which is always how I know change is coming.

We cherish you for who you are Maia, not just what you offer to us.

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Thank you Delphine. Your support means so much to me.

There’s an itchy feeling inside when it’s time to shed an archetype…. I hope this eclipse helps you shed your skin and step into your next phase.


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24 hrs agoLiked by Maia Toll

This is absolutely perfect. Maia, I can’t wait to see this unfold for you. I am looking forward to other retreats / workshops if you decide to do more.

This really resonated with me as I have been pulling cards ‘metamorphosis is one of the cards. So I am hearing this loud and clear. 💗🌺🌺

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I hope that your metamorphosis, when it comes, is as easy and joyful as mine has been.

Next retreats are in February in Asheville. We give alumni first dibs and then open it to the waitlist before opening it to the general public. If you want to get on the waitlist, drop an email to maia@maiatoll.com and then keep an eye on your email— we will be opening up spots very soon

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Oh this feels so expansive, and a homecoming at the same time, but a it's a home of stars and galaxies, not rooms and roofs. You are so inspiring. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. Blessings and love.

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I am so glad this feels as inspiring and uplifting to you as it does to me!

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I’m so happy for you Maia and inspired to open up to my own coming transitions. Your reminder to stand in our own center and let what’s coming in reaffirms my inner mantra lately of opening rather than grasping. I’ve a long car trip today and will use the time to let images of a new path shine through.

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That’s reminding me of a chapter from Letting Magic In. I think that time period in my life— the one I wrote that book about— is when I really began to understand how much ease there is in flow with change instead of resisting. Wishing you playful visions of new possibilities!

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Sep 18Liked by Maia Toll

I'm so happy for you, Maia. What a beautiful gift to you from the retreats! Since returning home from the retreat myself, I have felt a strange, unexpected sense of calm and freedom, but also a tingling shift in energy that tells me something is changing inside me. Like Sébastien, I'm not sure what that means, what it will lead to, but it is stronger than at any other time in my life, and I feel grounded and comfortable with this unknowing. A lifting, a light, who knows? Thank you for opening the door to transformation for so many of us.

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It seems we all got swept through the doorway. No woman left behind!🤣

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Thank you Maia, reading your thoughts feels soothing and rebellious at the same time. I'm so happy we get to meet you and not the polished you, the you pleasing the publishing houses.

For me, I do feel the transformation. The snake energy and have been for some time. I keep fighting it die to fear, I guess but in my heart I know I'm a rebel who wants to live of the land and outside the hustle. Our farm is my place, nurturing the land in sync with Mother Nature.

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It sounds like you know exactly the transformation you need!

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Sep 18Liked by Maia Toll

Brilliant Maia - as always. perfect timing for this full moon/eclipse season. I'm noticing that I too am ready for something totally different and similarly to Sebastien, I'm not quite sure what it is yet, but it's whispering in my ear. Thank you for sharing your journey so authentically which gives all of us the permission to do the same!

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We are just at the beginning of eclipse season— so much transformation to come!

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This is wonderful! I am so happy for you!

I find myself in an end of the world moment too. It is happening this very minute. I can feel the shifts rising and slowly coming to the surface. But I do not know what it is going to look like for me. Not yet. Not for sure. Maybe somehow I do. But I am in no rush. I feel simultaneously excited and so very calm. Exactly where I need to be, tonight. Tomorrow may be a completely different story.

Again, I am so happy for you.


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I was right there with you two weeks ago…. And then the shifts unfolded so easily. May it be that smooth and simple and magical for you as well.

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Maybe, I often choose intensity and complexity, but I have been inviting more lightness and fluidity. It may very well be simple. But I am sure it is going to be magical.

Again, very happy for you!

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