Jun 20Liked by Maia Toll

I read it a few years ago but feel the need to suggest Mary Rose O’Reilley's "The Barn at the End of the World: The Apprenticeship of a Quaker, Buddhist Shepherd and The Love of Impermanent Things: A Threshold Ecology," published by Milkweed Press. Perhaps it might spark something for someone here.

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I've recently found another book I thought you or others here might enjoy.

Awakening Artemis by Vanessa Chakour. It is also an herbalists memoir and journey of healing. Each chapter features an herbalists and how it contributed to her journey in life. I'm really enjoying it. I don't think my description does the book justice.

I hope your Boulder trip went well! 😊

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Ooooo sounds fabulous!

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May 22Liked by Maia Toll

I just finished “I’m Afraid You’ve Got Dragons” by Peter S. Beagle and loved it. He’s a master of the Fantasy genre.

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I haven't read Peter S Beagle since high school! Sounds like he still holds up!

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Novels... My favorite author is Katherine Genet of the Wild Grove Series. She has kindle versions available on Amazon. The practical magic series by Alice Hoffman, as well as her book The Bookstore Sisters. Oh! And the series by Gina Martin.

Mostly what I read though are instructional books on healing... everything by Diane Stein, Gail Reichstein (who has 2 books on acupuncture with a very different take), Circle of Nine by Gilchrist, Goddess books by Weber, and Transformation books by Scully.

I have 3 works written by Drunvalo Melchizedek on the Egyptian Flower of Life and the Emerald Tablet, but these are not light reads for traveling. They are amazing for those who love history and the Egyptian and Cosmic Mysteries though. It's definitely a rabbit hole for sure... but the best kind!

Maybe I'm not reading enough novels 😅 Trying to keep it balanced... can't be all healing work all the time. ❤️

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Gail R the author is the Gail in Letting Magic In. She was one of my first teachers. Unfortunately we lost her to a brain aneurysm.😔 It’s nice to hear her words are still alive.

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Oh, how the world turns and weaves in on itself. I will have to re-read Letting Magic in now with a completely new reference. I love Gail's writing. She is taking me on a beautiful understanding of self. She is such a beautiful soul.

I'm sorry for your loss. Yes, it's good to know her work is still in the world. She will rest safe with me. ❤️

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May 15Liked by Maia Toll

Oooh Rebecca's Apothecary sounds fun.

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It is one of my favorite apothecaries! Second to Herbiary, of course.🤣 It’s such tight knit group who work there— being in the space is both soothing and invigorating.

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May 14Liked by Maia Toll

I really enjoyed Once and Future Witches, and Starling House by Alice E. Harrow 😍

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I was absolutely smitten with once and future witches. Starling House I liked, but not in the same way.

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I also loved Once and Future Witches! So good!

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May 14·edited May 14Liked by Maia Toll

Also: Kitchen Table Wisdom by Rachel Naomi Remen— also

Lamp of the Goddess: Lives and Teachings of a Priestess by Rae Beth. And anything by Jason Shulman; and Unsheltered, by Barbara Kingsolver.

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I'm currently strolling, sometimes sprinting, through every single one of Natalie Goldberg's books. Except for the fiction one. Because I don't read much fiction at the moment. I especially enjoyed "The Great Failure." And have you read "barbarian days"? I love memoir. Peripherally, I will also be in boulder at the same time. Might swing by on Wednesday, schedule permitting. Have fun! 🌙 💗 🌵

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I just finished "Writing Down the Bones. "Absolutely loved it and will keep it on Audible so I can listen to it daily in my car. I look forward to trying one of these others you mention.

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I would love to see you on Wednesday! I just stopped by Rebecca’s apothecary to say hello today and it is charming.

Have you read Natalie Goldberg‘s book on haiku? it’s been on my nightstand forever and I’m crawling through it. It’s delightful, but I don’t find myself needing to read it, if you know what I mean.

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I loved the haiku book!

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May 13Liked by Maia Toll

Anything from Sarah Winman, but my first and favorite Still Life. When God Was a Rabbit a close second.

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Oooo— new author for me!🙏💜

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Anything by Charles de Lint. Favourites Someplace to be flying, greenmantle, moon heart , the onion girl

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May 14Liked by Maia Toll

The Onion Girl was fantastic

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May 13Liked by Maia Toll

I listen to tons of audible books while growing medicinal herbs on my farm. I love historical novels especially of powerful women who overcome the limitations of their time. I'm also a fan of fantasy, and mysteries!

Here are a few I think you'd enjoy! Just remember your earbuds (&phone!) so you can listen anywhere you please!!

You can listen to samples of the readings to get a feel for them, and of course the synopsis.

Children of Blood and Bone (Book 1)

Children of Virtue and Vengeance: Legacy of Orisha, (Book 2)

By: Tomi Adeyemi

Narrated by: Bahni Turpin

Series: Legacy of Orïsha

The Thirteenth Tale: A Novel

By: Diane Setterfield

Narrated by: Bianca Amato, Jill Tanner

Night Will Find You: A Novel

By: Julia Heaberlin

Narrated by: Karissa Vacker

We Are All the Same in the Dark: A Novel

By: Julia Heaberlin

Narrated by: Jenna Lamia, Catherine Taber, MacLeod Andrews, Kirby Heyborne

Hagitude: Reimagining the Second Half of Life

By: Sharon Blackie

Narrated by: Sharon Blackie

Unearths the stories of the little-known but powerful elder women in European myth and folklore, inspiring listeners to radically reimagine the last decades of their lives as the most dynamic of all....

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May 15Liked by Maia Toll

Hagitude! I love that title.

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May 13Liked by Maia Toll

Sorry, Autocorrect!!

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May 13Liked by Maia Toll

The Women by Kristen Hannah; Brooklyn and it's sequel Long Island by Colm Toibin all 5 star

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My sister and mom read that on our last vacation!

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May 13Liked by Maia Toll

Two confessions from me first: 1. I am never and up-to-date reader, meaning I always come around to reading the latest book craze after the everyone else has long read it (few exceptions). 2. I discovered my total enjoyment of reading middle grade and young adult books - so many touching stories and often much faster to read, which feels more fulfilling to me.

Alright here are two books from my stack that I just pulled off the shelf for re-reading and suggesting to readers of my own newsletter:

- The Lost Apothecary - Sarah Penner

- Mirrors In The Earth - Asia Suler

And this middle grade book, which brought our entire family to tears as we journeyed through it together:

- The Lost Year - Katherine Marsh

Taking notes of all the wonderful recommendations in the comments. Thank you Maia for initiating this thread!

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I love reading middle grade and young adult! So many good stories… and, honestly? I don’t need a lot of sex in my books, that’s why I’m reading🤣 so the books are for younger grades at work just fine for me.

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I have Mirrors in the Earth in my reading stack! Also need to finish Asia’s Intuitive Plant Medicine class and start her Writing the Earth’s Voice class. Got distracted from moving house and still trying to settle in and develop a reading routine. My writing time has suffered as well. (Moving is hard! It’s been 37 years since the last one.)

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May 14Liked by Maia Toll

I hear you - so many distractions. I keep returning to the Intuitive Plat Medicine class each year. Her writing class will be my travel companion to Europe this summer. We'll see how much I get distracted by the Austrian pastries :)

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May 14Liked by Maia Toll

Lost Apothecary was excellent, i just read it via audiobook a few months ago (thank you Hoopla). Interested to read your other suggestions!

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May 13Liked by Maia Toll

Adding two more that I'm sure you have read, both quickly and completely drew me in.

- When Women Were Dragons - Kelly Barnhill

- They Overstory - Richard Powers

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May 14Liked by Maia Toll

Oh i loved the Overstory. I listened to it on Hoopla (library app) and was blown away by the narrator’s terrific range. Really amazing listen.

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I liked The Once and Future Witches by Alix Harrow. It is historical fantasy. Kind of dark topics, which I don’t usually love, but it’s a story about women fighting the patriarchy, set in the time of the suffrage movement. I was drawn in by the cover and the title, when I walked by it in a bookstore. Also, Bewilderment by Richard Powers was my rabid-readers son a daughter-in-law’s favorite book of the year they had read a couple of years back and they read A LOT of books.

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LOVED Once and Future Witches! I avoided it for the longest time because somehow the play on the once in future King bugged me, but Andrew got it for me for solstice and I absolutely adored it.

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May 13Liked by Maia Toll

The Witches of New York by Ami McKay and The Minuscule Mansion of Myra Malone by Audrey Burges.

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I just could not get into the witches of New York. I gave it about 10 chapters, but it didn’t stick for me. I have never heard of the minuscule mansion and look forward to checking that one out.🙏

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